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Covid-19 Community Connector

Under the new COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF or traffic light system) guidelines outlined by the government in the latter half of 2021, many people and whānau who have tested positive will be self-isolating at home or in the community. As part of the psycho-social response to COVID, the Ministry of Social Development has invested in Community Connector roles to support the welfare needs of individuals and whānau who are self-isolating.

Connectors make services in the community more readily accessible for those who are isolating or have finished isolating but require additional support.  They can provide information, connections and direct support in relation to employment, crime, family violence, education, financial, health and general whānau wellbeing.  The kind of support that is delivered will be determined by the needs of the people and whānau seeking help.

How to get support:

  • You can self refer via the MSD website or through the BAF contact form.
  • Local agencies can refer on your behalf with your consent