Our Impact

Our work with changemakers focuses on impact – our impact in supporting their journey and their impact making positive changes for our communities. To help you understand how BAF enables positive impact in our communities, read our stories of change that illustrate our impact approach.


In this section you can access and read our Impact Framework and the Strategy that flows from it. Our impact journey began by creating a Theory of Change, otherwise known as an impact model, which is a visualization of how our activities lead to positive change. Critical for BAF was the ability to show how our role as a catalyst for change, working with changemakers, enabled outcomes to be achieved now and long into the future beyond our active support.

The intention of our impact strategy is the ability for us to better demonstrate the outcomes we achieve, but also the ability to review more effectively where we are making the greatest difference, so we can better allocate our time and capacity.

Help us bring communities together

Do you have valuable experience to offer or funding capability to help us enable our changemakers to create thriving Taranaki communities?