HomePoverty in Rural CommunitiesResearchPoverty in Rural Communities

Poverty in Rural Communities

Poverty has been an intractable issue in Aotearoa New Zealand throughout this century, particularly for families/whanau with children. The tentacles of poverty spread into all aspects of daily life. While recent poverty research in Aotearoa New Zealand has a predominantly urban lens, this study focuses on living rurally while being poor and explores the intersection of poverty and rurality in Taranaki’s Stratford District through the lived-experience of communities on the Forgotten Highway.

The research was completed by Lesley Pitt as part of a Dr of Philosophy in Social Work through the University of Canterbury.  We are pleased to share this work having contributed as an interviewee and because it links to our research and project development focused on rural township sustainability.

The research report can be accessed here PhD final Lesley Pitt 2021

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